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Welcome to AYC! Things to know before you come to the meeting!

24 Summer AYC Conference

Preparing and sharing the heart of Jesus Christ is our most important task, so we emphasize attending meetings more than any other practice. We believe that prayer and seeking the face of God together will prepare our hearts to be ready to serve. So, let's gather up!

Meeting Location: Potter's Place Mission. 21 East Hastings St, Vancouver

Time: 2 PM - 4 PM (2 Hours)

Training/Prayer Meeting Schedule

June 22: First Nation & Indigenous Youth / Testimony

July 6: Missional Mindset / Case Study

July 13: Small Group / Case Study

July 20: Spiritual Warfare & Prayer Methods / Case Study

Parking Suggestions: International Village Mall (88 W Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6B 6N9).

Note: Parking here is normally safe without payment, but it’s not guaranteed.


  1. Daily Bible Reading challenge will begin on June 22

  2. You can have all access to Volunteers menu under 24 Summer AYC menu.

[Password: 24ayc]

*Please let Pastor John (604-614-4357) know if you cannot make it to the meeting.

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